Showing posts with label ssh remote connect raspberry pi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ssh remote connect raspberry pi. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021

How to enable SSH on Raspberry Pi in five super easy and quick steps

 Following are the easy steps to enable SSH on Raspberry PI without any complications:

Step 1: Shutdown Raspberry Pi

Step 2: Take out the memory card and plug it in any computer using the card reader.

Step 3: Open /boot partition of the card

Step 4: Create an empty file named "ssh" on the boot partition without any extension.

Step 5: Unmount memory card and insert into Raspberry Pi and start it.

That's it !!

To connect to the raspberry pi using SSH, just use this command

 ssh <user>@<IP address of Raspberry pi>

SD Card Partitioning in Windows

The handy dandy tool for disk partitioning is Disk Management  and it works like a charm for Hard Disks. But, when a similar thing is tried ...